Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The experiment begins.

I have always thought of myself as the ultimate cockeyed optomist.  Like Mary Martin, so full of the joy of life that I'm ready to burst into song at any moment.  Then a few weeks ago someone commented that other people might be coping better with job stress than me because "they just generally look on the bright side of things."  But wait, I thought, I generally look on the bright side of things...Or do I?  I think somewhere a long the line my focus may have been drawn away from the bright side, towards things that could be improved or done better, towards what I miss about the past, away from those things that are very good about the present.  So here is my blog of joy to remind me, every day, of what I should be thinking about to recapture my inner-Nelly Forbush:
1) This morning I had a toasted everything bagel and -- as is typical -- the little onion flakes on top browned up nicely to make crispy bites of delicousness.
2) A stereotypical businessman in the Au Bon Pain had a set of four fantasy novels that looked very well read and he evinced an odd possessiveness towards them that suggested how much he loved reading.
3) I am supposed to meet a friend for dinner and we had very specific needs: quick, outside, dog friendly.  I actually know my neighborhood well enough that I was able to think of such a place!  Plus, the place serves beer in those wonderful large beer mugs that make me feel like a leiderhosen-clad 18th Century German student when I use them. 

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